Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Testing...1, 2, 3

Hey there....

I'm just throwing up a little test blog.

I'm so excited that the GBE is making a comeback!  Back in my MySpace days I was known as "The Cardinal Queen" and blogging with the GBE was a great experience for me.  I met so many wonderful people and got to read so many fantastic blogs from interesting people from around the world.  Plus blogging gave me a hobby and an outlet that I desperately needed at the time.

Now I'm just Stephanie.  Lots of things have changed:  I've gotten older, arguably a little wiser...I've added full time nursing student to the list of hats that I wear.  But what hasn't changed is that I still need a hobby and an outlet AND that I've missed having a weekly writing goal A LOT.

I can't wait for the first topic.....I am so ready....Bring it on!


  1. Are you on a boat?

  2. LOL....yes, Jeff sometimes I AM on a boat :P Thank you for helping me check that the comment thingy works!

  3. Anytime Babe. Love you good luck with your Blogs.

  4. Yay! I can comment now! I'm Lillyth, BTW. Nice to meet you, and I can't wait for our first topic!

  5. Nice to meet you Lillyth! I can't wait for our first topic either!

  6. Yay! It's working! I can't wait to read you again!! :O)

  7. Awww thank you Beth! That's so sweet of you! :)

  8. Woot you are back ;) glad to see you, great job hon.


  9. Thanks! Looking forward to this sooo much :) Glad to see that you're back too!!!


I love hearing from you. Always feel free to leave a comment...or just stop by to say hi. Thanks :-)