Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Last Minute Hairspray (GBE2 #66 Topic: Snapshot)

Photo: Excited to see "hairspray" at park playhouse!

Here in New York's "capital district" we have musical theater in the park every summer.  It's a fun, not to mention free, way to spend an evening.  I have many fond memories of going to the shows when I was younger.  As the years have gone by, I haven't had as many opportunities to go.  The kids were small and I had no sitter....I had no one to go with....it was too hot....I was too tired.  I've had excuses a-plenty.

Until this year.

Finally, in the form of my oh-so-beautiful and amazing ten year old daughter, I had a theater buddy!  She's fun.  She's good company.  She loves musicals just as much as I do and she is finally old enough to have the patience to sit through the show. 

When I discovered that one of the musicals was going to be "Hairspray", I knew this was the year for Addy and I to start a new mother daughter tradition.  I talked about how we were going to pack a snack and some drinks, get a blanket and snuggle under the stars while we watched her favorite musical. 

Then family crisis hit us.  Hard.  And going to the theater was the last thing on my mind.  I told her to remind me.  I was going to keep this promise no matter what, but she had to keep me on my toes in case I forgot about it while trying to sort out our problems.

She reminded me on Sunday night.  I promptly checked the park's website only to find out that Sunday night....was the LAST night of the show!!  And it was starting in thirty minutes!!

So, we ran out the door.  We did have a blanket.  But we didn't have time for snacks and drinks.  We hurried to the park as fast as we could, made our way through the crowd and wedged ourselves into a small space in the grass.

She snuggled up against me and waited impatiently for the last ten minutes to roll by before showtime.

That's when I snapped the photo up above.

It wasn't the perfect outing that I had planned out in my mind.  But I kept my promise to my little girl and started a new tradition in the process.

Who knows?  Maybe "Mammamia" will be in our future.

I'll keep my fingers crossed.


  1. oh WOW now THIS teared me up!!!!!! YOU are a PHENOMINAL MOM and SHE WILL REMEMBER THIS FOR A LIFE TIME!!!!! sos sooo AWESOME! this is MY FAVORITE READ for this subject..wow...

  2. Wow, sounds like a great time!!! Lovely shot too.  I love the angle.


  3. How lovely...that's all just lovely!

  4. She'll remember this day forever. That fact alone makes it all worth doing every chance you get. 


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