Monday, November 28, 2011

What's In Your Bucket? (GBE #28--Topic: Bucket List)

This week's topic has me smiling--big time!  'My Bucket List' was my very first blog that I wrote for the original GBE. 

1.  Get an education:  I've been working on this one for a while and I'm almost done.  Unless, I decide to be a glutton for punishment and keep pushing forward.

2.  Take a real vacation:  Someday, I'd like to be able to take a week and do something really cool with my family.  We've taken day trips and even did an overnight stay in a resort town once, but we've never had a real vacation.

3.  Move to Oregon:  Is it possible for someone to have a crush on a city?  If so, I'm crushing big time on Portland, Oregon.  The pacific northwest is where I long to be.  If not Portland, then hopefully somewhere close to it.

4.  Get serious about writing:  I have bits and pieces written....scraps of stories and poems...but nothing truly finished.  My husband tells me that I have a gift worth being serious about.  But I'm such a slacker, his encouragement often falls on deaf ears.  But it would be nice to actually finish something....

5.  Perfect a 'British' accent:  This one  is just goofy--and I know it!  At my house, I play around with the kids doing impressions, funny voices, and accents.  I do a passable southern accent.  I do an awesome 'New Yawk' accent.  I pretend that I have a passable Boston accent.  But I really would love to be able to walk around the house all day speaking with a British/English accent!  And, no matter how much I practice, I just can't get it right! 

6.  Live long enough to see all my children achieve their dreams and find their happiness:  enough said :)

So...what's on your bucket list?


  1. Wow! If your spouse is all in with you, take the support and RUN with it!

    But only after you get that British accent down pat of course.

  2. I would love to have that spousal support! My husband thinks I write to keep my sanity, he's right but, I would also love to have some big time publisher pick me up!
    When you get that British accent down, I'd really like to hear it!

  3. This is a great bucket list. Good luck achieving it.


  4. Good luck with your bucket list - sounds good.

  5. Great bucket list!!!


  6. A Brittish Accent? hahahaha nice! Hmm... Something from my list. Hmm... To figure out if I want to start a family or not. (AKA Have a kid)

  7. Love your bucket list. I'd love to perfect an Irish Accent--or that one from North Dakota. I'm still deciding! ;) Cheers, Jenn

  8. love it, especially the accent part :) - oh and write, baby, DO have a gift

  9. I love different accents!  Thank you for your words of encouragement!! :)

  10. Ohhhh!!! Now, I have more accents to add to my list!  And a nice Minnesota "dontcha know" accent too!

  11. Starting a family is a huge decision.  I wish you luck on figuring it all out :)

  12. Thanks....I hope that I can achieve it all

  13. I'm hoping that I'll have plenty of time to achieve it all!

  14. I don't think I'll ever get good enough at the accent to show it off :) 

    Getting published would be totally awesome!

  15. Yes, of course....I have my priorities straight....accent first, then everything else :-P

  16. i am all about education... at any age! kudos to you....

  17. I have a crush on Portland, and Powell's bookstore. Love Powell's and I imagine, I'll get to find your books in stock, if I get lucky enough to live there.

  18. Me too!  I'm working on it :)

  19. Maybe we can be neighbors!!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Powell's Bookstore!!  And VooDoo Donut--it's my dream to get married there ;-)  I've only been there once, but I loved it!

  20. To perfect a British accent? LOL! Who knew? Maybe if you watch some Monty Python? I'm learning so much about everyone with this topic! :)

  21. Excellent list. I do silly accents when I'm goofing around with the kids, but I don't think any of them would dazzle anyone. I'd love to have an Irish brogue, but in its absence, I'll settle for Irish coffee.  ;O)

  22. Great list.  Hope you achieve it all...especially the British accent; that would be really cool. :D

  23. Oh I know it's silly but it's true! *blushes*  I've watched and practiced so many's just not happening LOL

  24. Irish brogue...Irish coffee...either one sounds good right now!! :)


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